Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lawmaking Foldable

This is the last one for the Legislative Branch.  This one covers the same SOL as the previous one- SOL CE.7c.

This foldable is known as a look book.  You will take one piece of paper and fold it like you would when folding a letter to go into an envelope.  Then have the students cut  the paper so there are 3 pieces of paper.  I trick here taught to me by Mrs. S. is to have the students "shave" the fold.  Instruct the students to barely cut the fold.  The paper comes out with a smoother and cleaner edge.  

Once you have your three pieces of paper start with one slip and fold it at the red margin.  Then take your next piece and line up it's red margin with the end of the first paper.  Fold it so the red margin and the edge of the first paper meet up.  Then take the third piece and line it up with the second's end on the third's red margin.  Fold that third piece so it aligns. You should have a long foldable with six flaps.  Staple the top of the foldable to bind the pages together.

This is what the finished product will look like.

*Note: the Virginia Legislative Branch is apart of another foldable.

The top of the foldable should be labeled "Lawmaking Process in Virginia's General Assembly".  Then as the folds are available write Step One, Step Two, Step Three, Step Four and Step Five in descending order.

The essential knowledge then goes above each step:
Step One- Introduction of bill
Step Two- Working in committees
Step Three- Debating the bill on the floor of each house
Step Four- Voting on the bill in each house
Step Five- Sending the Bill to the governor to sign into law

Here are each of the flaps:

On this one I took out each house and replaced it with House of Delegates and Virginia Senate.  My thought process is the more the students see the names the better off they will be.
Again, I took out house and added their names.
I should have put the governor's name in here.  I'll add that.

These are the same exact steps as the national government so I don't spend too much time on this.  For this lesson at the national level I had the students make an instruction booklet that included pictures.  I am sure you could add space for the students to draw pictures if you would like.

Happy Teaching!

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